The Importance of Laser Focus (and a hint of fairy dust)





Today I am focused on love. I have been focused on holding that intention for the past three days. Here is what I have noticed:

  • Increased sense of self
  • More patience with my children
  • More energy and desire to “get things done”
  • A calm knowing that all is well
  • Creativity soaring
  • Mindful awareness of breathing patterns
  • Increased willingness to let go
  • Present in (almost) every moment
  • Understanding of the “slow down to speed up” philosophy
  • Detachment from outcome
  • Stronger attachment to sharing my gifts and talents
  • Exquisite sense of purpose

You may be thinking: How does one focus on love? What kind of love? What is love? How do you know it’s love? WHAT? Have you taken a hit of (airy) fairy dust, Tracy?

Perhaps it’s the fairy dust we all need to be enjoying together. What if you were to hold one intention for a whole week? How would you be able to hone your focus? You see, I have a ton of balls in the air, a lot on my plate, I am get the gist. What I have come to realize is that I am not “bad” at focusing. I have trained myself away from focusing.

Ooh... Hold on a minute. Yes, a moment of self-disclosure. I have a tendency to be easily distracted, and when I am, I allow myself to get off course, and in that process, I trained myself away from my laser focus. Can you relate?

What allowed yourself to hold one intention for a week? How would you change your attitude, focus, attention and accomplishments?

I invite you to choose one intention, hold it as your focal point for one week. That is it. You can take it further by writing it down, praying or meditating on it, speaking it out loud in your car or bathroom mirror, or even sharing it with the world. Choose the intention, hold it near and dear, and in every moment possible, bring your awareness back to your intention. Let me know how it goes.

Good intentions are at least, the seed of good actions: and every one ought to sow them, and leave it to the soil and the seasons whether he or any other gather their fruit. ~ William Temple, Sr.

Let’s look at my intention, love. My intention is to be, feel, do, love, speak, see, understand and invite love. This is in conjunction with a chakra mediation that a fantastic yoga instructor taught me. I have chosen simplicity so I can stay focused on the one thing: love.

In your mind, or say out loud:

I AM love

I FEEL love

I DO (acts of) love

I LOVE (the feeling of, sharing, demonstration of) love

I SPEAK (with, words of) love

I SEE love (in myself, in others, in my varying forms of entertainment)

I UNDERSTAND love (of myself, others)

I INVITE AND RECEIVE (more, feelings of) love

I invite you to share your experience, either via email, Facebook message or a comment on this blog post.

Blessings. Gratitude. Love.

Learn more

Ask 3 Simple Questions:

There are many ways to apply laser focus to your life. If you find yourself scattered, slow down, take a deep breath, and if possible, stop what you are doing so you can investigate how you can sharpen your focus and get yourself on track.

It is not always easy, but slowing down and re-gaining focus can be simple, and I'm offering 3 simple questions you can ask yourself to help clarify your purpose, and begin to craft a plan to move yourself forward.

Ask yourself:

  1. Where else can I apply this simple focus technique?
  2. What specific benefits will I gain from honing my focus?
  3. How will this affect other areas of my life?

Invitation to Experience:

Experience coaching with Tracy. Offering 30 minute free consults, no up-sell.

OR, experience 30 minutes free with option to enter coaching partnership. Are you willing to be fully supported in your life’s dreams? If not, why not? If so, how about now? Are you willing to invest in creating an exquisite sense of fulfillment?