Why Coaching?

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Why Coaching?

You are the practice leader. Working with a coach can add a valuable set of learning tools in your practice leader toolkit. A coach can help you match the right solutions to the challenges you may face in growing your practice.

As a provider, you might not have given much thought to being a leader, because you probably started your practice with the grand idea of helping people, not developing yourself as a leader. But the truth is, as a business owner, you are in the leadership business, and rather than resist it, you could develop your skills as a leader and give your staff the tools they need to support the growth of your business and your overall mission.

Below are four compelling reasons for practice owners and their team to work with a coach.

1. Establish a clear vision, and get your team engaged with that vision.

If you have struggled to motivate your team and staff members, know that you are not alone. Building a strong vision and goals, and helping your team connect with that vision will increase everyone’s success and fulfillment. (And we know that happy staff are loyal and productive.)

2. Honest and timely feedback on effectiveness of systems and leadership.

You need an unbiased truth-teller, and an objective view of how your leadership contributes to your overall success. Coaching will help you build on your strengths while your practice manager and support staff learn to take charge of their contribution to the success and growth of your practice.

3. You need someone to guide you through reflection and self-analysis.

Anyone who has worked with a coach will tell you that the best part of having a coach is the ability to clear the decks on a regular basis to think and strategize without distractions. This accelerates your development as a leader by encouraging you to reflect and grow, and your coach will offer you tips, tools and the benefit of the breadth and depth of their experience.

4. Help with improving your ability to anticipate, strategize and stay on track.

Maximize your practice potential by improving work performance and team effectiveness. With the clear vision, feedback and appropriate delegation of responsibilities, each person will gain insight and will experience mindset shifts that lead to new behaviors and better results in all areas of growth: self, team and business-management. This encourages everyone to think bigger, act more courageously, and realize greater possibilities.

If you want to achieve beyond your wildest dreams (or beyond the limitations you can't seem to surpass) then why not schedule a one-hour complimentary Practice Assessment Strategy Session with me to see if we can crack the code? One hour can change everything.