Balancing the Third Shift

“Are we a good place for women physicians to work?” A question posed by executives as a result of short-term challenges caused by the pandemic. Jessica Dudley, Sarah McLaughlin, and Thomas H. Lee of the Harvard Business Review delves into the challenges women physicians are facing uncovered by post-pandemic stress. 

It is no secret physicians and those in healthcare are still experiencing the collateral mental health effects of the Covid-19 pandemic—specifically burnout in healthcare providers.

Post-pandemic stress OR stress uncovered by the pandemic?

One study noted women are more likely than male physicians to be responsible for the third shift. What’s the third shift? The third shift happens immediately upon entering the home after a day of work. Women are 25% more likely to be responsible for childcare and schooling, and 31% more responsible for household chores. 

Women are clocking in for the third shift the moment they walk through their front doors. Which leads to burnout, then higher turnover rates, especially in the medical field. 

The challenges and responsibility of the third shift women face does not grant them the flexibility to tend to their professional responsibilities while still enjoying their personal lifestyle. 

Gender inequality is partially to blame for making physician burnout worse; however, it’s safe to note not recognizing the differences in the demands of gender roles worsens the issue.

Society, especially in the U.S., is rooted in traditions carried over for decades. Gender roles have morphed and changed throughout the recent years, though, men continue to be applauded for taking care of their children and cleaning the house without the woman’s assistance—when that is another day in the life of motherhood. 

What does this have to do with healthcare providers and physicians? The environment provided upon hiring affects women physicians and providers professionally and personally. Recognizing employees have personal lives outside of their professional careers not only aids in their development with the practice, but also lessens the risk of burnout and turnover. 

Women physicians need a supportive environment. What should that entail? Longer maternity leave for both men and women. Flexible, non-consuming work hours. Equal pay to the man’s dollar. These are only a few examples that support women physicians in the practice.

Gretchen Livingston and Deja Thomas of Pew Research report as of April 2018, the United States ranks last in government-mandated paid leave for new parents. 

Building a successful practice stems from the benefits provided to employees. Providing an environment for your employees to succeed, in their professional goals alongside their personal goals, cultivates lower rates for burnout that eventually leads to turnover. The lasting stressors of the pandemic will linger in workplaces, especially healthcare, until providers restructure their practice—putting employees and patients first. 

Now, your needs as a practice-owner do not diminish when it comes to providing better care for your employees. The needs of your employees heavily rely on the balance and structure you provide for yourself, as a practice-owner. Allowing your employees to experience the benefits of fair pay—regardless of gender or race—providing extended maternity/paternity leave for parents, and creating a fair and inviting place for patients benefits the practice by providing growth and success. 

Are you ready to squash the demands and burnout of the third shift? We are able to support you in tailoring your practice to support women in the workplace, alongside assisting in navigating the challenges of restructuring your business. In doing so, we help you get clear about the strengths of your practice and uncover areas that need improvement. We help you get clear about your vision, mission, and desired outcome.

If you would like to talk about strategy and restructuring your practice to accommodate the needs of working parental figures and how to implement gender equality into your practice, schedule a complimentary Practice Assessment Strategy call. We look forward to creating the possibility for growth for you and your team.

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