Private Business Coaching for Practice Owners

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

- Aristotle

If you… 

Feel exhausted and overwhelmed

Have high staff turnover 

Have a lot of unfinished business and operational tasks

Want to grow your practice and serve more patients

You’ve come to the right place. 

You’re tired, rarely have time for breaks, hardly ever eat lunch or never leave on time. It’s time to make a change. It’s time to invest in yourself so you can get back to doing what you do best: being a great provider. 

When you started your practice, you wanted to help people, have the freedom to do it your way and have control over your schedule. But it’s demanding being a great provider AND a successful business owner. 

It’s time to spend your time on what’s important to you and leave the operational and administrative duties in the capable hands of your practice manager. It’s time for you to remember why you started your practice: to take excellent care of your patients.

Grow your practice and serve more patients while maintaining or recapturing your time and energy. Collaborating with an expert will be a huge benefit to you. 

If you’re frustrated and overwhelmed by the pace of growth of your practice and find yourself spending too much time IN the daily business operations, then this is an excellent place to get started. If you’re looking for a way to streamline processes; hire, train and retain engaged and happy staff; and get glowing reviews and referrals from your patients, then our coaching may be a great fit for you. 

We can work with you individually, or coach and train with you and your practice manager for comprehensive, long-lasting results.

Healthcare Business Consulting Meets Executive Leadership Coaching

Practice Leaders are expected to evolve quickly to meet the increasing complexity, ambiguity, and rapid change - to transform on demand - a seemingly “superhuman” skill set. 

This is where we come in.

Why Coaching?

You are the Practice Leader. Working with a coach can add a valuable set of learning tools in your leader toolkit. A coach can help you match the right solutions to the challenges you may face in growing your practice.

Below are four compelling reasons to work with a coach.

  1. Establish a clear vision, and get your team engaged with that vision.

  2. Honest and timely feedback on effectiveness of systems and your leadership.

  3. You need someone to guide you through reflection and self-analysis.

  4. Help with improving your ability to anticipate, strategize and stay on track.

Maximize your practice potential by improving work performance and team effectiveness. Read more on our blog.

The ever-increasing requirements to be a nimble, strategic, and compassionate leader while also supporting your patients can take a toll on your energy, motivation and ability to balance demands.

Our coaching programs are are designed to stretch you beyond your limitations, and identify and overcome obstacles along the way. 

We help provider-owners and their practice managers transition from great managers to excellent leaders. We offer private coaching for you, the practice owner and your “right hand person”. We combine the best of executive leadership coaching and entrepreneur business coaching, with a dash of business consulting, to support you in both roles, because as a business owner, you are, after all, a leader AND an entrepreneur.

We take a holistic approach to teaching our clients how to develop their unique leadership style and draw-out the best in themselves and their teams. Our clients learn how to save time and energy, improve their wellbeing and create more opportunities for success - with less effort - while doing what they love.

is coaching for you?

If one or more of these criteria describe you, you could be an excellent fit for private coaching:

  • You lead an established private medical, integrative, orthodontic, or psychological services practice

  • You are earning a comfortable living, but you know your practice could grow significantly more with the right support

  • You’re caught in the “Success Trap” of working all the time, and you’re overworked and overwhelmed

  • Your patients seek you out for YOUR expertise - and you’re struggling to scale that

  • You know you can make a bigger difference, and you want to reach and serve more patients

You want to grow your practice, AND enjoy the fruits of your labor. You might want more time to spend with your loved ones, engage in your favorite hobbies, or travel. 

You want to continue to serve your patients with the highest level of care, but don’t know how to scale your practice without sacrificing your time and good energy, which has a direct impact on your patient service.

We provide a proven, impeccably designed method to scale your practice while preserving your most precious assets: your time and energy. 

It’s time to stop practicing “time management” and lay the foundation to master Time Leadership so you can experience the exquisite fulfillment you deserve.

Program Overview

We work with you to determine focus areas for growth and targeted results. We build on your strengths and deep-dive into areas for reflection and improvement.

Unwavering support from your coach while challenging your limitations will help transform a good life and business into an extraordinary life and business. You will challenge your own assumptions and learn how to set the stage for open communication and feedback.  

Your coaching results are heavily-dependent upon your willingness to explore your change and personal growth opportunities.

Private Coaching Outcomes:

Private coaching offers the most support for your practice growth. This service is for you if you're ready do the focused work to shrink the timeline and see the results in your practice.

Our clients typically see immediate results in how they feel, followed by recapturing their time and bottom-line growth. 

Below is a small sample of the results our clients get from working with us: 

Feeling Better:

  • Decreased stress levels

  • Improved quality of sleep

  • Improved mood; i.e., finding joy easily, feeling more relaxed, generally happier

Staffing Improvements:

  • Clear communication, expectations, and systems to maintain excellent communication

  • Systems to hire, train and retain high-quality team members

  • Tools to appropriately delegate to their capable team

Time Recovery:

  • Buy back up to one day per week (or, one hour/day)

  • Improving operational efficiencies to increase patient load, or serve patients more efficiently

  • Taking unplugged vacations while trusting that all is well at the practice while they’re away

Bottom Line:

  • Average of 10X return on their one year coaching investment within 12-24 months (TEN TIMES!!)

  • Reduction in “leaks” as inefficiencies are found, plugged and eliminated, often a significant cause of “cash hemorrhaging” 


We don’t just teach you how to speed up, we help you learn the importance of slowing down to scale up

Let go of control (hire the right team, delegate effectively) and get back to WHY you decided to fly solo in the first place. 

Imagine taking regular vacations and NOT working while you are away. How would it feel to have more time and energy? 

If you want to expand your practice and grow your profits, you must trust yourself to hire the right team and get back to doing what you do best - being a great provider

Stop working so hard and learn from a professional who can help you get over the hump to achieve beyond your wildest imagination.


Ask yourself: Am I willing to tolerate…

  • The most incredible practice and life and I can imagine

  • Being happy and fulfilled in every area of my life at the same time

  • Letting go of control and learning to enjoy my practice and life again

The moment you say yes, everything changes. 

Fall back in love with your practice.

our coaching philosophy:

“hard work” doesn’t create success. you must have a vision, the right mindset, and THE RIGHT KIND OF SUPPORT.

Every human has individual needs and interests. The same is true for your practice. A prescribed, paint-by-numbers approach will NOT do. We have designed an exclusive program that offers a clear yet flexible roadmap to help you grow your practice. 

We start by getting to know one another and deciding whether working together feels right. From there, we create magic - together. Apply now to see if private coaching is right for you.


  • Established practice owners and their practice manager, who want to increase growth and profits, while taking control of their time and energy.

    Our “sweet spot” is with clients who generally fit the following description*:

    • In practice at least one year (not start-up phase)

    • Generating from the mid-six-to-mid-seven figures in annual revenues

    • Ready to invest in themselves and their practice to buy-back their time and energy

    • Understand the value of having a trusted advisor and expert by their side

    • Willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work

    *Private coaching is considered on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to explore working together, click the “apply” button to schedule a call with us.

  • We encourage you to set aside 2-3 hours per week to work ON your Operational Time Leadership and Growth strategies, and to implement updates and changes. This is time you are investing in building the structure that will help you produce impact and income for years to come. It is a commitment and you will WORK, but you’re also building assets - time and energy, and systems to pave the way for sustainable growth.

  • YES! Our clients are established in their practices and have revenues in the low-to-mid 7 figures range. But they’re overworking, exhausted, and in need of support with the right people, processes and mindset to continue to grow. We will help you prepare yourself for sustainable and repeatable growth so you can take your practice to the next level.

  • Some of our clients are in a rapid growth stage and come to us to get ahead of growing pains from lack of plans and systems. Other clients come to us when they’re overwhelmed and overworked. We help them master their Time Leadership, create and fine-tune their operational systems, and buy-back their time. Our private coaching and personalized support allows us to help you create a customized plan to build a solid foundation for continued and sustainable growth.





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